Go-Docker CLI : a blast example

Install godocker-cli with virtualenv

virtualenv godcli

source godcli/bin/activate

pip install godocker_cli

Use godlogin to create a session with your godocker server

godlogin -a XXXXXXX -l login -s http://godocker.genouest.org

Create a job

Get your script

curl -o script.sh https://data-access.cesgo.org/index.php/s/gVUUBY4Dzn2QuGw/download

Create your job

godjob create -n cli_blast -d test_blast -c 2 -r 4 -i simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker -s script.sh

Get your job status

godjob show job_id

Access to results

godfile list job_id

godfile list job_id blastdb

godfile download job_id megablast.out

Create a job using your GenOuest home directory

Get your script

curl -o script_home.sh https://data-access.cesgo.org/index.php/s/NevQUUUG924vkcs/download

Create your job

godjob create -n cli_blast -d test_blast -c 2 -r 4 -i simonalpha/ncbi-blast-docker -v home -s script_home.sh

Get your job status

godjob show job_id