- Task 1: Biodiversity communities state-of-the-art: Gather informations about IT solutions & existing implementation on Ecology field.
- Deliverables: Cartography of implemented portals and their existing relations + Avantage/Disavantage/lacks of each IT solution)
- Based on « generalist » ISA standard
- -> Scientific data repo:
http://scientificdata.isa-explorer.org/BFsdata201523 - -> Seek repo: https://research-sharing.cesgo.org/investigations/1/snapshots/1
- -> Scientific data repo:
- Based on « occurence-oriented » Darwin-core standard
- GBIF.org (Generalist):
https://www.gbif.org/dataset/2aaf8ea9-0460-41d2-a651-3583479947c6 - OBIS (for Ocean):
- GBIF.org (Generalist):
- Based on ISO19115/ISO19139
- GeoNetwork:
- FAO http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
- French « Parcs Nationaux »:
- GEOSS Portal:
https://www.geoportal.org/ - Europe DEIMS-SDR: https://deims.org/
- GeoNetwork:
- Based on EML
- Based on Metacat:
- NEON: http://data.neonscience.org/browse-data?showAllDates=true&showAllSites=true&showTheme=org
- Arctic Data: https://arcticdata.io/catalog/view/doi:10.18739/A2ZS2KC7W
- Alaska AOOS: https://goa.nceas.ucsb.edu/#view/urn:uuid:3249ada0-afe3-4dd6-875e-0f7928a4c171
- Australia LTERN: https://www.ltern.org.au/knb/metacat/ltern.197.18/html
- Europe DEIMS-SDR: https://deims.org/ and his Dataset Metadata Model using EML2ISO script to create ISO19115/ISO19139 compliant metadata
- Based on Metacat:
- Based on « generalist » ISA standard
- Deliverables: Cartography of implemented portals and their existing relations + Avantage/Disavantage/lacks of each IT solution)
- Task 2: Address FAIRization challenges: Capture detailed metadata with a minimum of human effort / facilitate controlled vocabulary use
- Using EML https://fairsharing.org/bsg-s000552/
- Using R libraries like dataspice / datapackage / metadatar / taxize / taxonomyCleanr / CoordinateCleaner / Scrubr / assertr / …
- For semantic web link: http://bioschemas.org/groups/Biodiversity/