WP7: Address « future » challenge

  • Task 1: Toward live and operationalized Data Management Plan. using DMPonline tool through the French INIST deployment OPIDOR https://dmp.opidor.fr/ / See GBIF Capacity Self-Assessment
    • Deliverables: Report on the tests + first operationalization proposal
  • Task 2: Test the use of new “data sharing” approaches mixing Peer-to-peer, blockchain technologies with SHA1 related technology to generate intrinsic unique identifier to face issues regarding actual DOI use (attribution by a unique authority + no intrinsic relation between identifier and research object (data/metadata/software/protocol…))  as pointed by Software Heritage initiative.
    • Deliverables: Report on the tests + first operationalization proposal
  • Task 3: Follow and report work done on linking taxonomic resources with schemas.org through bioschemas initiative https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/.
    • Deliverables: Report on the tests + dissemination